Last Friday I sat down and closed my eyes. Almost immediately Ganesha came to me. He gave me a hug as he always does and he brought Possibility. Then Tara came to me to bring
The Owl & the Robin
The Owl was circling above a red beech admiring its leaves – the one side full-bodied wine almost purple-red and the other lushes potent green. He loves visiting the tree because it gives him a
Daydreamer: Dreamcatcher
What happens when you like to drift off with your thoughts, imagining the things you would like to do, the place you wish to be, and how all just work out wonderfully for you like
Akasha Kronieken
De spirits van de planten voeden ervaringen met de wijsheid, lessen, liefde en compassie die per persoon exclusief worden afgestemd. Zo kunnen er lessen over de cirkel van het leven gegeven worden, wijsheden uit het