Putting the insights into practice

When you have done a ceremony with entheogens, or e.g. bodywork you most of the time have experienced release and have gained insights. Sometimes these experiences and newly gained knowledge are enough to help you live your life in a healthier, happier, more constructive way. Sometimes the insights are understood but you still do not know how to work with them or how to integrate them into your daily life. And, on some occasions, the experiences can be very confusing and disturbing, which only makes life more difficult for you. 

At Chakana we always help you with the integration when you have come to one of our workshops or sessions. Not only while you stay with us, but also afterward if needed, or wished for. But some facilitators or therapists do not, or do not have the knowledge or skills on how to help you with your integration. If you’re in need of help on this matter, you can always contact us. With our profound experience in working with various entheogens, various forms of therapy, and bodywork, we can help you understand what happened and what you need.

How does it work?

The word in itself explains the therapy ~ it is to help you integrate the insights that have come to you and the processes that have started within you. Integrate means to make part of: In this case to make part of you and your life. So you learn how to work with all the new information that has come to you.

Because knowing something is not immediately the same as being able to practice the knowledge. In what way we ‘re going to help you depends on what you need. That can be just talking and explaining, but it can also be therapy and/or bodyworks.

Before you book a integration therapy session, let's first get acquainted

While it is very informative to learn how a integration therapy session works, what is really important is that you feel comfortable with the therapist you will be working with. Therefore call us (+31 06 29 33 87 29) or plan an appointment in the agenda at your chosen date + time so we will call you, and you can decide from there.

always happy to hear from you

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any questions?

If you would like to know more or want to know who we are, you can always give us a call.(If there is no answer we will call you back asap. If we are in workshops this can take a little more time…) or you can book a free ‘Get to know’ appointment in the online agenda and we will call you at your chosen date and time.

Rather call directly? (If we don’t answer the first time we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.)

Of course you can also send us a mail if the info you are looking for is not on this site.


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